Woman sitting with laptop on the floor

OVB Blog

On our OVB Holding blog, we provide articles about careers, trends in the world of work, self-development and society. We give experts a voice, share practical tips and offer insights into our company.

Woman doing gymnastics exercise and laughing – Fit at work

| OVB Holding AG

Fit at work: tips for more exercise in the office

Stress, lack of activity, overwork: those who take too little care of themselves and their bodies quickly end up in a negative spiral of exhaustion and physical problems. Yet it's not that difficult to do something for your fitness at work. Our expert Krystian Kwasniewski provides tips on how even small habits can make a big difference – with the right goal and mindset.

Woman with laptop on the couch – Work-life integration

| OVB Holding AG

Work-life integration: The new way of balancing work and free time

Our working world is becoming more and more digital and mobile. New concepts like work-life integration are replacing the traditional work-life balance. After all, the strict separation of work and private life is difficult these days. Work-life integration goes beyond the traditional balance and creates a symbiosis between work and leisure.

Woman in pink blouse laughs into the camera – New Leadership

| OVB Holding AG

New Leadership: How modern leadership styles enrich the working world

The way of working has changed dramatically over the last decades. Classical leadership methods are no longer up-to-date – instead, new leadership styles and leader competencies are becoming relevant. In the age of New Work, mobile working, and digitalisation, new leadership focuses on empowerment and personal responsibility instead of “work to rule”.

Group of laughing young people – Generation Z in the professional world

| OVB Holding AG

Generation Z in the professional world: independent, creative, and digital

The first young people from Generation Z are entering the job market – and they have very different needs compared to previous generations. For Gen Z, security and professional independence are key. At the same time, the separation of work and leisure is more important than ever. This is because Gen Z strives primarily for happiness and self-realisation in their private lives.

Woman is blamed for mistakes - Positive error culture

| OVB Holding AG

Positive Error Culture: Why mistakes actually make sense

Mistakes are still considered a professional no-go in many areas. In most people's minds, they stand for failure and weakness. But mistakes are absolutely human – and even useful. Because only those who allow themselves to do something wrong can learn and improve. A positive error culture moves companies forward and ensures progress.

Woman leaning at the table and looking at her mobile phone – gender pay gap

| OVB Holding AG

Gender pay gap: how about gender equality in Europe?

Equality between the men and women? This is still a long way off in many countries, but some are getting there. The gender pay gap is one way of showing inequalities between women and men in a measurable way.

Colleagues in discussion – Company pension scheme

| OVB Holding AG

Company pension schemes – retirement savings with your employer

Is it possible to keep the standard of living even in retirement? The state pension will probably not be sufficient to do so. Company pension schemes are one possibility or component to provide for one’s old age.s.

Man sitting in the living room – resilience

| OVB Holding AG

Resilience: magic word for a successful career?

What makes a person strong and psychologically resistant? In this context, the key word "resilience” is often mentioned. The term covers certain characteristic features that make up a resilient person. In short, resilient people cope with strokes of fate or crises more quickly than people who are perceived as vulnerable.

Woman sleeping in bed - Mental health at work

| OVB Holding AG

Mental health - time for mindfulness and self-care

Your job is stressful and three deadlines must be met at the same time? Moreover, a private birthday party needs to be organised but it feels like there is no time left at all? Mental effort and the so-called "mental load" play an increasingly important role in our lives. As a result, society has become more and more aware of dealing with mental health.