Good habits: How to use and implement productive routines


Woman sits on the couch relaxed using good routines
Key facts about productive routines

reading time: ca. 5 minutes

  • If you want to be productive and successful, you can't avoid good routines. The right habits not only improve performance, but also health and well-being.
  • It makes sense to divide your day into three phases. The perfect morning routine ensures a powerful start into the day, the right lunchtime routine maintains energy levels. A relaxed evening routine improves your sleep.
  • Our expert Krystian Kwasniewski shows you the best way to organise your morning, lunch, and evening routine. To help you stick to your new habits, for example, it is helpful to have fixed daily plans.
  • Small tricks can also help you overcome obstacles such as decreasing motivation or a lack of time. Also, you should not start with too high expectations towards yourself.

Many successful people have routines – and seem to be productive and full of energy all day long. Healthy routines are a real game changer. A few simple but effective habits have a huge impact on our well-being and performance. Our expert Krystian reveals the best routines and provides tips on how to implement them successfully.

Routines not only ensure an organised and structured everyday life; when used correctly, they also improve productivity, health, and satisfaction. Most successful people use routines to organise their day more efficiently.

Good morning, lunch, and evening routines, which are made up of several small habits, are particularly important. Unfortunately, it is not always easy to introduce new routines and stick to them. That's why we spoke to Executive Performance Coach Krystian Kwasniewski. Not only does he know the best routines but also sensible strategies for staying consistent.

What are routines?

Routines are certain activities that are repeated over a longer period of time. As a result, they become automatic and increasingly easy.

There are good and bad routines – depending on how they affect our body and mind.

To optimise your daily schedule, you should recognise and break bad habits and establish positive routines instead.

What are the benefits of good routines?

  • Orientation and structure in everyday life
  • Increased productivity, concentration, and efficiency
  • Less stress
  • Better work-life balance
  • Promotion of health
  • Improved well-being

The best tips from our routine expert

Krystian Kwasniewski is Executive Performance Coach for stress reduction and mental strength. He is a specialist for routines and knows how they affect your productivity and energy levels.

He mainly focuses on the “how”: how can meaningful routines be permanently integrated into everyday life? How do they strengthen us and help us to achieve our professional goals?

He recently gave a keynote speech at OVB about habits, in which he shared valuable knowledge about the best routines and how to introduce them.

Krystian Kwasniewski in a keynote speech at OVB

The perfect morning routine

Woman stretches in front of the window for her morning routine

The way you start your morning influences your entire day. That's why it's so important to develop a good morning routine that is aligned with your body's natural biorhythm.

With the right morning habits, you will wake up faster and maximise your energy and productivity.

Krystian's tips for your morning routine

  • Soak up natural light: Exposure to natural light supports your body's functions and boosts alertness. Even if it's just a few minutes, it's worth it.
  • Get moving: A little exercise, for example a quick workout or walk in fresh air, can help kickstart your body. It’s also and especially recommended for morning grouches!
  • Optimise your rituals: Delay your first coffee a little. Instead, take a cold shower, even if it requires some effort – this provides a real energy boost.
Graphic of the morning routines: Start your day strong

Routine tip from the OVB team: Nathalie

“I love using my commute to journal. Since I have to spend my time on the train anyway, I use it to reflect on my thoughts, set my intentions for the day, and get my mindset ready for work. I used to just listen to music and daydream before starting this habit – but I found that writing in my journal helps me arrive at the office feeling more prepared, positive, and balanced.”

Nathalie Tietze, Communication Manager

Nathalie from OVB writes in her journal at the tram station during her morning routine

The perfect lunch routine

Woman sitting in a restaurant for her lunch routine, laughing

The body's needs change throughout the day. Energy levels drop and many people suffer from the typical midday or afternoon slump.

If you structure your lunch break sensibly, you will be more productive and comfortable in the afternoon.

Krystian recommends three sections for your lunch break:

  • Lunch: Make sure you have a balanced meal. This will prevent the afternoon slump and give your body fresh energy.
  • Relaxation: Take some time for a proper break. Meditating, listening to music, switching on a podcast or simply doing nothing at all: this will help you reduce stress and start the afternoon feeling refreshed.
  • Activity: To revitalise your body and mind, use your break to get some movement in. Some light exercises, or even just taking a walk, will help you unwind. This is particularly important if you’re sitting at your desk all day.
Graphic of the lunch routines: Energise your afternoon

Routine tip from the OVB team: Bennett

“When I’m working from home and feel my creativity stalling, I grab the leash and head outside with my dog. A nice walk, even just around the block, clears my head and gets my ideas flowing again. Plus, it’s a great way to get some movement into my day and get me off my desk.”

Bennett Litton, Social Media Producer

Bennett from OVB walks the dog during his lunch routine

The perfect evening routine

Man at his desk looks at the clock and starts his evening routine

In the evening, you should rest and slowly prepare your body for the night. This will not only enable you to sleep well, but you will also wake up the next day refreshed and full of energy.

The evening routine is crucial for your well-being and performance on the following day and should therefore not be neglected.

Krystian's tips for your evening routine

  • Reduce sensory input: Lower the volume and light – or avoid screens completely. Instead of watching TV, for example, you can switch to calming activities such as reading.
  • Engage in low-attention activities: To help your body and mind wind down, don't engage in activities that require high levels of attention or energy in the evening.
  • Start a journal: Start a journal in which you write down your thoughts. To get started, ask yourself: what went well today? What didn't? What can I do better tomorrow? You can also use the journal in the morning, for example for your daily goals.
Graphic of the evening routines: Wind down for better sleep

Productive mini-routines in everyday working life

You can also incorporate small routines throughout the working day that will benefit you. These could be the following, for example:

  • Small movement sessions or stretching exercises
  • Working while standing or walking in between
  • Drinking a large glass of water
  • Taking micro-breaks
  • Short mindfulness exercises or meditation
  • Healthy snacks

Introducing good routines: Here's how

Introducing healthy habits and then sticking to them in the long term can be tough, but it's worth it.

Krystian revealed four important tips to help you get started:

  1. Get started with short routines: First, start with smaller routines that only cost a few minutes. Even these mini habits can boost your energy and productivity.
  2. Incorporate movement: One or more small movement sessions a day are among the most important routines. Natural full-body actions such as running, jumping, and walking are particularly valuable.
  3. Follow a consistent schedule: Decide on a few daily routines and stick to them by repeating the habits every day. A fixed daily structure improves focus and stress resilience.
  4. Respect your natural rhythm: Segment your day into three phases aligned with your body's natural biorhythm. Plan a healthy morning, lunch, and evening routine.

The most common challenges with new routines

The implementation of the new routines may not work immediately. But don't worry: this is quite normal. Almost everyone has to deal with some typical problems and challenges.

Declining motivation

We often start out highly motivated – and then slip back into old habits. Motivation drops especially when the positive effect of the routines is not immediately visible. It helps if you set yourself intermediate goals and reward yourself for small successes.

Too high expectations

A common mistake is to set goals that are too high, for example when you undertake very time-consuming or too many routines at once. Hardly anyone manages to turn their whole life upside down in one go. Therefore: start with small steps and gradually build up the new routines.

Lack of time

The busy everyday life often makes it difficult to find time for healthy habits. However, it is possible to integrate routines into the existing daily schedule or combine them with other activities. For example, doing a little gratitude exercise while brushing your teeth, listening to a podcast while cooking, or getting off the bus one stop earlier on the way to work and then walking the rest of the way.

Missing discipline

Just like motivation, discipline can also decline quickly. Sticking to new routines becomes easier if you associate them with fixed times or fixed places, minimise distractions as much as possible, and get support from others. And in case you miss out on a routine, see the relapse as an opportunity to learn, not as a failure.

Good routines for more success at work

From Steve Jobs to Barack Obama and Jeff Bezos – many successful people show how routines as a fixed part of the daily schedule can drive a career forward. More productivity, creativity and energy help you achieve your goals.

Just a few minutes a day can have a positive impact. Choose the routines that make the most sense for you and give them a try!

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